No green juices or grocery lists required. While we're all manifesting, setting intentions, resolution-ing and picking words, I'll share something you should NOT do this month. Do not shop. I know you've got goals to get after (or maybe you're still figuring them out), so I'll keep this short. You have everything you need and you got even MORE last month. Pressing pause on buying for 31 days will reset your mind so that you can be a better consumer in 2020. After months of nothing but being sold to - the thing that's so cheap, the thing she's "obsessed with", the thing that will make you happy - your brain will thank you for this detox. Not to mention your bank account. And your closet and the Earth. If this seems like an impossible task, I get it. I once thought that too. So here are my tips for success: 1. Organize your wardrobe. You may already be doing this, although not with the same "joy-sparking" lens as last year. But you can't wear what you forgot you own. I bet a deep dive into your dresser and closet will feel like a shopping trip as you discover items that still have the tags or were worn once and drifted to the bottom of the pile. 2. Plan your outfits. Weekly outfit planning is my favorite! (read this as Buddy the Elf for the full effect) Planing what to wear each week - I usually do this on Sundays while I watch football - not only helps me feel secure in the fact that I have plenty to wear, but also makes my mornings run so much more smoothly and I like what I'm wearing better. And I won't even get into what a difference that makes for your day! Create your own system or use the form I created to organize your daily outfits around the weather, your to-do list, and any style challenge prompts you're following. Here's the prompt schedule I created for this month, but I'll be sharing many more style challenges on Instagram.

3. Unsubscribe.
All those retailers and influencers that sold you stuff last month are going to keep selling you stuff this month. There will be (dun dun dun) SALES! If you can't resist their ploys, unsubscribe and unfollow as necessary. It's not forever, just for now. And there will be sales in February, I promise. You might not believe me now, but at the end of the month, it's going to feel so good to have control over your buying power again.
4. Focus on your goals.
Replace your browsing and buying habit with a much cooler one! Take steps toward your 2020 goals. Try a new hobby. And if nothing else sounds interesting, educate yourself about the impact of the fashion industry so you can be an even more informed consumer throughout the rest of the year. To start, I recommend watching "The True Cost" documentary and/or reading "OvOvOvOvOverdressed" by Elizabeth C. Cline.
I hope you'll join me in this little challenge. The impact is big. Drop the bags and step away from the Add To Cart button.
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